Monday 14 February 2011

Task 4a: Professional Inquiry (Questions)

To further develop my Professional practice as an inclusive practitioner and performer I must undergo a professional inquiry. This is to find questions within my own practise to explore and clarify any grey areas in my profession, to understand and broaden my knowledge within my practice.

  In order to accomplish this I must identify different types of knowledge, Schon (1983) writes about  knowledge being able to be broken down into four categories Specialized, Firmly Bounded, Scientific and Standardised these four foundations make up the core underneath the umbrella of knowledge.  As I explore further into my professional inquiry I shall refer back upon Schon’s (1983) theories and compare them to my professional inquiry to see if they have any relevance or similarities to my knowledge gain throughout the inquiry. Taking from schon’s theory of breaking down knowledge into sectors, brings me to my first sub question. *What abilities and knowledge dose it take to be professional Inclusive practitioner/performer? 

Breaking down the key skills and abilities needed to fulfil the role allows you to see being an inclusive practitioner/performer ,in a charity based theatre, not only draws upon the sector/domain skills and knowledge but it also introduces the transdisciplinary knowledge. This is knowledge drawn from other sectors or domains and brought into your own sector utilizing them within your professional practise. *If you have transdisaplinary knowledge within your own sector of knowledge does it make you a better inclusive prectitioner/performer?

Within my practise there is always the element of change which can range from a drastic change to a minuet one but having that element of change always keeps my professional practise evolving. Having circulated around schon's theory and the different types of knowledge and skill variety.

*How can I develop me professional skills and knowledge effectively or is there a right/specific way of doing it?

Other Sub-Questions:

* How can I as a professional inclusive practitioner/performer gain professional work without compromising my ethos/ethics?

*When or is there a right time to teach an individual the ethos of a company?
*Will it tain there own originality and mind set?

*If you acquire and utilise too much trasdisciplinary knowledge does it change the definition of you professional practice?

1 comment:

  1. Adrian - it sounds like you are beginning to think through some issues - question - does an inclusive performer have the same skills as a performer? Your last question about transdisciplinary language sounds interesting - Can you expand on that particular question as a theme? I like it because you are talking about knowledge not just skills... and it makes sense with the idea of inclusion... more please?
